Got To Do v1.4.1 Full (GotToDo) Apk App

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Requirements: Android v2.1+
Overview: Got To Do is an application for managing tasks and things to do, based on the “Getting Things Done” (GTD) Workflow.

 Got To Do is an application for managing tasks and thing to do, based on the “Getting Things Done” (GTD) Workflow. Got To Do supports all versions of Android from 1.5 on wards.

 This has full support for sub-tasks but does require you to have a paid Toodledo Subscription to make use of sub-tasks on the application. There are no adverts in this version.

 Language translations have been kindly done by volunteers, currently the following are available:
 - English
 - German
 - Spanish
 - French
 - Russian

 These translations are done voluntrarily and as such releases will be available where the latest addtions are only in English, these will be updated as soon as possible after release. During the development of this application, it was named ‘GetItDone’ and was managed from a group there are many discussions here which show the development of the current features.

 Got To Do is an application for managing tasks and things to do, based on the “Getting Things Done” (GTD) Workflow.

 - Full sync with ToodleDo online task website
 * Contexts
 * Folders
 * Tasks
 * Task reminders (notifications to Android task bar)
 * Repeating Tasks, with support for repeating by due date or by completion date
 * Task notes (this is not general Toodledo Notes, which are not supported)
 * Start Date / Time
 * Due Date / Time
 * Tags
 * Task Priority
 * Task Status (11 to choose from)
 * Starred Tasks
 - Subtasks will be displayed, but cannot be created or have their parents changed
 - Each list can have its own sort order configured, chosen from:
 * Priority then Due Date
 * Due Date then priority
 * Importance (as defined by Toodledo)
 * Task Title – alphabetic
 * Task Creation Date
 * By Context Name
 * By Folder Name
 * By Starred
 - A global filter can be applied, so that all lists show only tasks that match the chosen folder or chose context (inbox remains unfiltered)
 - Global filtering of task due further than a configurable period in the future
 - Task search, based on title or notes
 - Toodledo Hotlist summary item
 - Folder/context/tag grouping
 - Task templates – allowing you to configure new task addition to be as efficient as possible, fully configurable to your own workflow.
 - Show/Hide summary items to configure the screen to meet your needs
 - Configurable Widget
 - French, Spanish, German, Russian Translations

 - All the features of the Lite version above;
 - Subtasks indented display and creation is supported only if you have a Toodledo Pro subscription;
 - Integration with Pure Calendar widget application, task add/edit and display from the widget;
 - Integration with Executive Assistant;
 - Integration with Android Agenda Widget.

 Recent changes:
 1.4 adds the following (13th Feb 2011)
 - Large screen support, for Samsung Galaxy Tablet;
 1.3.0 adds the following (22nd Jan 2011) Redmine
 - Creating a task for a web page url from the browser;
 - Share a task with any app that supports sharing;
 - Folder / Context Name Clash on Sync – fixed;
 - Start screen configuration allows you to select any screen now;
 - New task sort orders added;
 1.2.9 adds the following (2nd Dec 2010)
 - Delete an empty task can end up killing all tasks bug #1;
 - Repeating task with start date and no due date does not reset the new start date bug #6;
 - Fix due date/time sync inconsistency bug #12;
 - Add task time and priority to content provider bug #8;
 - Add direct link to this issues tracker in the app feature #11;
 - Show last successful Date & Time Last Sync on summary page on small bar at bottom feature #26;
 1.2.8 adds the following (1st Nov 2010)
 - At the request of Toodledo, the following changes were made:
 - Change appid in API calls, to allow proper tracking on ToodleDo;
 - Remove 15 minutes sync interval, at the request of – anyone who has 15 minute interval will now be set to 30 mins;
 - When a sync is due, add a random number of minutes 0-15 of delay, to spread load on TD servers.
 1.2.7 adds the following (23rd Sept 2010)
 - BUG FIX performance of edit that should speed up the edit of tasks when you have a large number of parent tasks in the app. This is compounded by the Samsung device lag that is well documented. Hopefully it will all be speedy now! let me know if it isn’t.

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